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Screw Your Sense of Self-Entitlement!

“Manglibre ka naman, oh.” (Treat us, come on.) 

This is a commonly used expression, isn’t it? Sometimes, because it’s so common, most Filipinos use this every chance they get. Just got married? Libre. Just got your dream job? Libre? Just got into the romantic relationship that you’ve always wanted? Libre. 

Sense of Self-Entitlement
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Personally, there’s nothing wrong with treating people, especially when the occasion is right for it. There’s also nothing wrong with helping people who are truthfully unable to provide for themselves. 

However, a line has to be drawn. 

You can ask for “libre” once in a while, but you can’t demand people to treat you. You can’t demand people to give you free things every time. You simply have no right to demand – you’re not supposed to be self-entitled. 

You see, there are two types of self-entitlement: 

1. It’s more of a sense of self-justice like “Oh, I deserve this since I’ve done so much…” 

2. And then there’s a sense of self-entitlement, the real kind, like “Oh, I deserve this even though I haven’t done anything yet. It’s just the way the world is.” 

That. That 2nd one is the culprit. That’s the kind of thinking that would get you in trouble. It would do you well to get rid of it. 

3 False Beliefs About Self-Entitlement (And How They Related To Poverty) 

“I deserve to receive nice things even though I haven’t worked for them. After all, the Bible tells me to be poor anyway.” 

The poorest of the poor will find pasture, and the needy will lie down in safety. (Isaiah 14:30)

Looking at his disciples he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Luke 6:20)

These are just some of the Bible verses that talked about poverty. You can find a lot of them all over the Bible. 

Now, poverty is related to self-entitlement in such a way that poor people have a strong sense of it because they believe that God will provide for them, even if they refuse to work. 

No. That’s not the case at all. 

The thing about this is that people like to translate the Bible in a way that is applicable and favorable to them. 

Personally speaking, I believe that the Bible’s version of “poor” means those who are unable to work because of severe disability, medical illness or age. They are the needy. 

If you’re needy, this means that you can’t work at all, so, the Lord will provide for you through His people. You can see this manifested in charitable organizations. 

The Bible’s version of poor does not include those who refuse to work. It doesn’t negligent people.

If you’re healthy, why aren’t you earning money? 

– Because you can’t find a job? If there’s a will, there’s really going to be a way. 

– Because you’re supposed to take care of your family so you’ll just stay at home? You can still work at the comforts of your home. 

– Because you didn’t finish school? Tell that to the millionaire dropouts all over the world. 

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“It’s my parent’s/sibling’s/friend’s/neighbor’s/dog’s fault that I couldn’t work! Of course they should give me money to compensate!” 

Have you read what I’ve written about being responsible for yourself? You can find it in this free personal finance book. (Download it now!) 

In case you haven’t noticed it yet, life is not fair. It’s not! And that’s okay. 

Regardless of what you’ve been taught, the world does not owe you anything. 

“That person should be generous – he should share his blessings and give us money because we’re unfortunate.” 

There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. (Deuteronomy 15:11)

Again, the poor people are the ones who are needy – the ones who are unable to work, not the ones who just refuse to work because of invalid excuses. 

If you have not worked for it, you’re not entitled to get it. That’s just the way the world is. 

(While you’re at a reading roll, why don’t you read this 5 Old-Fashioned Money Beliefs That You Should Throw Out The Window as well?”) 

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