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Make Your Life a Must-Watch

Are you a fan of watching movies?

When the love team you’re rooting for interacts in the movie, do you squeal in joy?

When the sinister villain kills an important character, do you shout in anger?

And when the other half of the love team dies, do you cry in sorrow?

Hey, watching movies is fun. It’s a form of escapism. When you buy a ticket to watch a movie, you’re expected to just watch. Just observe. Just comment a bit. Just let it pass you by.

In life, however, just watching is useless.

YOU have the power to control your actions.
When you didn’t get the job you want, do you just shrug it off and stop trying?

When your partner scams you, do you just wallow in self-pity and depression?

And when none of your life dreams seem to be coming true, do you just watch yourself waste your life away?

No! In life, you’re not just the watcher. You’re not just the movie-goer.

You are the owner of your life. You, together with God, are your own production team!

You write the script so enumerate what your Life Dreams are.

You cast the right actors so surround yourself with people who support you.

You produce the whole movie so apply personal finance principles into managing your money.

You direct the production so take charge of your life!

Successful people have a bias for action.

Be one of them.

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Live wisely,

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