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6 Steps to Stop Laziness

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Know how to stop laziness?

Well, we are not perfect. I know I’m not.

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. – Charles Darwin

And because I’m not perfect, I tend to have lazy days as well! Can you believe that? Yes! I don’t wake up each day and jump out right off the bed. Sometimes, I have a hard time waking up so I have a hard time reaching my goals, too.

This is why I needed to make this post. I needed to stop being lazy and start reaching my goals again.

I needed to get a move on.

Let’s do this!

6 Steps to Stop Laziness
Smell the flowers – reach your dreams.

How do I wake up each morning? What do I do?

1. Set your alarm clock at 6:00 am. I know a lot of people would tell me that I should wake up earlier but for now, waking up at 6 am has been good for me. It’s productive and it’s conducive to work so I apply it to my life. What I do here is that I put my alarm clock far away from me so I need to actually stand up and turn it off.

2. Splash cold water on your face. Wake up, sleepy head!

3. Drink cold water and eat breakfast. I do this to awaken me more.

4. Read my life goals in private. You should have a handwritten or a typewritten tangible reminder of your goals. Reading my life goals makes me feel motivated – it’s like, “I have to get going! I NEED to do this!” It makes me feel that I am in control of my life.

5. Take a bath in the morning. I don’t know about you but I feel so much more energized and refreshed when I take a bath in the morning. It’s like exerting extra effort – you feel more accountable and productive when you take a bath early.

6. Do it NOW, please. Your work won’t decrease when you put it off so save yourself the trouble from stress and just do it now. DO. IT. NOW.

Being lazy is inherent to all of us so don’t feel bad when you feel like giving up. What’s important is that you push yourself so you can do the things that really matter to you.

How do you stop laziness?

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