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Best Transport to Get from Narita Airport to Tokyo – Day 1 in Tokyo

Your first stop in Japan is Narita Airport. How do you go from Narita Airport to Tokyo, then?

Contrary to popular belief, the Narita International Airport located in Chiba is roughly one hour away from Tokyo. Actually, you may be surprised when you land in Narita, because there are no sky-high buildings in sight!

Watch my trip to Tokyo video here~ 🙂

Ride the N’EX (Narita Express) from Narita to Tokyo

Upon landing in Narita Terminal 1 and collecting my checked-in baggage, I went to the nearest JR East Travel Service Center, smiled and asked for a ticket to take the N’EX to Shinjuku.

Normally, ticket cost is around 3,020 yen (roughly P1,400)*. But they have an on-going promo that sells it for only 1,500 yen (P675), so take advantage of it!

Best Transport to Get from Narita Airport to Tokyo - Day 1 in Tokyo

Remember, the station for Narita Express is at the lower floor, so from the North wing arrival lobby at the 1st floor, you still need to go down. Use the escalator but always stay at the left side.

Best Transport to Get from Narita Airport to Tokyo - Day 1 in Tokyo
Do I look 23? I do, right?

While waiting for the Narita Express to arrive, get a drink here first. A bottled water will only set you back 120 yen (P54).

Best Transport to Get from Narita Airport to Tokyo - Day 1 in Tokyo

You don’t want to buy anything while you’re on the train – the prices are more expensive there.

Best Transport to Get from Narita Airport to Tokyo - Day 1 in Tokyo

Be sure to be there on the station before your train’s departure time. Japanese are strictly punctual with their schedules, so better to be safe than sorry. Also, keep in mind that seats are reserved. Look for the seat number indicated in your ticket.

Best Transport to Get from Narita Airport to Tokyo

Because the travel time from Narita Airport Terminal 1 to Shinjuku Station was about 1 hour and 45 minutes and because I didn’t want to sleep, I had to do something else!

I thought deeply about this: I didn’t want to miss the sights by sleeping, so I wanted to entertain myself. But because I couldn’t sing any Japanese songs by Lead, and because I always get dizzy by reading in motion, there was only one thing that I could do…

I’m sorry, my friends. I had to do it:

Best Transport to Get from Narita Airport to Tokyo - Day 1 in Tokyo

Hope you guys now know how to get from Narita Airport to Tokyo! Any questions? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below and let’s talk!

* If P1 = 0.45 yen


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