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7 Life Insurance Myths That May Ruin Your Financial Life (Youtube Video)

You know why life insurance isn’t an attractive financial solution to Filipinos?

It’s because most Filipinos have these life insurance misconceptions (life insurance myths) that make them mistakenly look at this product as a harmful – instead of a helpful – product.

Personally, I say that it’s time Filipinos stop looking at life insurance in this way!

7 Life Insurance Myths That May Ruin Your Financial Life
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I’ve heard countless stories of a family being buried in debt after losing their loved one, who’s more often than not, an OFW. This is so they could afford to pay the hospitalization bills and final expenses of the person they recently lost.
I’ve grown tired of the nightmarish experiences of unfortunate people who love to exclaim “Oh, if only I knew!” over and over again. This is after they find out that they had to pay estate tax first before they could touch their loved one’s frozen assets because he just passed away.

I’m sick of feeling helpless whenever I encounter tales of abandoned parents and relatives. This is just because these people weren’t able to invest and prepare for their retirement when they were still working!

(READ: A Life Insurance and Investment Rolled Into One Solution?)

Friends, take charge of your financial future.

Open your minds.

And learn to let go of these life insurance myths, hereby dubbed as BALONEY.

B – Buy term, invest the difference is for everyone?

(READ: Comparing BTID & VUL)

A – All life insurance products are the same?

L – Lahat ng tao, kailangan ng life insurance?

O – Only breadwinners need life insurance?

N – No need for life insurance right now?

E – Employer-paid life insurance is already enough?

Y – Young people won’t die yet?

Want a simple yet detailed explanation of BALONEY?

Here’s a Youtube video I personally produced just for you guys!

Did you use to dislike life insurance too because of these myths?

I’d love to hear your comments and suggestions. Let’s talk!


Want to:

– get FREE life insurance proposal – to financially protect your family;
– get FREE VUL proposal – to financially protect your family and invest to make your money work for you so you can reach your target goal;
– open a mutual fund account – to make your money grow and increase in value over time?

Let me help you. Simply fill out this form.


Want to get started managing your money/budgeting/investing? Contact me, your trusted financial advisor, through the following:

Twitter: @MsLianneLaroya
Mobile: 0916 737 8741

We can even meet personally for a FREE financial planning session! Let me know so we can finalize a schedule that works. No obligation to do anything – except maybe share what you learned with your friends! 🙂

If you find this post helpful, please SHARE it to your friends. Who knows, you might help them by educating them. 🙂 Thank you, wonderful people!

Live wisely,

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