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5 Shocking Money Facts That’ll Make You Want To Invest NOW (Part 1)

Want to hear a shocking money fact? Well, here, we’ve got 5 of them.

You see, today, I was invited by Ms. Cherie Mercado herself to be a guest on her hit radio show, “Trabaho Lang”, and when I went as a guest there, a lot of the people commented that they couldn’t start planning for their financial future first because of their small income.

I get that. I mean, when I graduated and started working for a start-up, my monthly income was P5,000!

However, a low salary shouldn’t be your obstacle in being a 20-something millionaire. Lots of self-made millionaires right now even started with nothing.

The point is that all of them started early. They worked hard even when they had nothing. What was important was that they started now!

The same principle applies with investing. Sure, you’ve heard that investing is an amazing way to maximize the value of your money. You know that investing can give you higher potential rates than banks’ time deposits.

You know that the best time to invest is now. But you still don’t do it.

“Mamaya na. Next month na lang. Madami pang time.”

Let’s get rid of procrastination. How?

By giving you a sense of urgency through these shocking money facts, of course!

1. Your money in your time deposit account is losing its value everyday.

As of present writing, the inflation rate of the country at February 2014 is at 4.10%.

Inflation is basically the rising prices of the goods and services in our country.

Simply speaking, if in the past, you needed less money to buy something, so your money can be viewed valuable.

In the present, you needed more money to buy something, so because of this, your money can be viewed as less valuable as the purchasing power of your peso decreases.

Because of inflation, the value of your money decreases. And if you’re not investing, it’s going to decrease until you do something about it.

Action Plan:

  • Only put your emergency fund in the bank.
  • If you have a goal 5 years and beyond from now, invest instead. Figure out which mutual fund investment type is suitable for you here.
  • If you’re interested in investing for the long-term and holding your investment for beyond 5 years or so, you may want to take a look at Sun Life Mutual Funds – you can invest and redeem your investment at no charge. Or VULs (life insurance + investment) Message me for more details. 🙂
2. Your child’s tuition fee is increasing every year.

The average tuition fee increase per unit for school year 2013-2014 is 8.5% nationwide.

The lowest percentage is from Region IX – 4.74% while the highest percentage of tuition fee increase is from Region II – 12.25%.

Why so high, you ask?

vul life insurance sun life
Source: Sun Life Financial infographic

It’s because CHED’s Memorandum Order 3-2012 basically allowed the increase in tuition fees, provided that the increase is consulted with the faculty and student body first and that the higher education institution can provide the needed requirements.

In fact, to give you an idea how convenient it is for colleges to raise their tuition fee rates, did you know that out of 451 private higher education institutions that applied for an increase, 354 have been approved by CHED?

Action Plan:

  • Should you get a pre-need educational plan? NO.
  • If your son or daughter is still a toddler, today is the perfect time for you to start preparing for their college fund. You can even look into investing for the long-term.
  • Take a look at the image above – the tuition fee projections 18 years from now have been computed for you.
  • The only thing left is for you to prepare for that figure. You can either invest in mutual funds or in variable unit-linked (VUL) life insurance.
  • Talk to me and let’s see what works for you!

Watch out for Part 2!


“How many millionaires have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts?”
– Robert Allen


Get a FREE VUL proposal – personalized and made especially for you! Simply fill out this form.


Want to get started managing your money/budgeting/investing? Contact me, your trusted financial advisor, through the following:

Twitter: @MsLianneLaroya
Mobile: 0916 737 8741

And we can even meet personally for a FREE financial planning session! Let me know so we can finalize a schedule that works.

If you find this post helpful, please SHARE it to your friends. Who knows, you might help them by educating them. 🙂 Thank you, wonderful people!

Live wisely,

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