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5 Financial Tips for Filipino Freelancers

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Are you a freelancer?

Basically, a freelancer is a self-employed professional who sells her services like graphic designing, publishing, photojournalism, content production and copywriting, among others. 

Most Filipinos are freelancers mostly because their health problems limit them from doing full-time work, or their family demands more attention, or because of another personal reason. 

Whatever the reason is, it is a fact that more and more Filipinos are converting to freelancing. 

And while freelancing is an exciting business venture, its income fluctuation is one of its pitfalls. Sometimes, freelancers fail because of it – they expect stable income when they are not that experienced yet. 

Just how, exactly, can a Filipino freelancer manage her money?

Are you a frugal freelancer?

For a comprehensive article on this subject, kindly head on over to my dear friend Stef’s website for my guest post there. Stef is a freelance copywiter and blogger whose goal is to give fellow freelancers a helping hand by providing tips and advice to make every single freelancing experience an awesome one.

How’s your freelancing finances? 

Fired up to manage your money yet? Contact your trusted financial advisor. You can also get FREE financial consultation from me by filling out the form here to help you get started. 

If you find this post helpful, please SHARE it to your friends. Who knows, they might like it as much as you do. 🙂 Thank you, awesome people!

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