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4 Styles of Budgeting for 20-Somethings

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I’m presenting four styles of budgeting since every one of us is unique. Thus said, every one of us has different opinions about money as well. I, for one, think of money as a tool for me to be able to care for my loved ones more. You, on the other hand, might think differently. Money may be your measure of success!

Because of these, it also goes without saying that budgeting is not a universal setting. You can budget reversely or you can do budgeting up to the cent. Either way, each of us is different.

With that, let me share to you the 4 Styles of Budgeting. Maybe you can find one suitable to your needs!

styles of budgeting for 20-somethings

Does budgeting seem like foreign stuff to you?

Here are four styles of budgeting you can adapt:

Up to the cent: I know some people who do this! It’s a time-consuming method of budgeting because you really need to list down your expenses up to the cent. This is important for those who are really in need of getting in touch with their financial status. If you’re up to this kind of budgeting, then, I commend you!

Up to the peso: This also entails listing down your expenses and allocations every day for tracking, but instead of listing down every cent, you round up your figures to the nearest peso. Did you spend P99.75 for your meal? Put it down as P100 instead!

Envelope budgeting: I like this kind of budgeting because it makes me aware – every time I get cash from an envelope, I know that it’s really a tangible experience. I do this for my day-to-day spending, like transportation and groceries.

Reverse budgeting: This is the budget that I’m currently doing. I don’t like it – I LOVE it! I’ve tried all four styles and this one appealed to me the most. What I do this allocate budgets for my savings first, instead of my expenses. So, I budget for:
and then I’m free to spend the rest! I don’t recommend this to people doing their budgets for the first time. However, if you already know where to cut back on your spending and if you already have substantial insight into your spending habits, then, by all means, go for it!

What’s YOUR budgeting style? I’m interested!


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And we can even meet personally for a FREE financial planning session! Let me know so we can finalize a schedule that works.

If you find this post helpful, please SHARE it to your friends. Who knows, you might help them by educating them. 🙂 Thank you, wonderful people!

Live wisely,

4 thoughts on “4 Styles of Budgeting for 20-Somethings”

  1. hi lianne! this is a nice post!

    for our family, we do a combination of the envelope and reverse budgeting.

    we also do the financial formula of the rich when it comes to budgeting: income – savings = expenses.

    our savings are divided into 3 parts: emergency fund, retirement fund, and investment fund.


  2. @Raymund:

    Thank you! 🙂

    Nice, I do that as well! I do reverse budgeting and then proceed to categorize the expenses through the envelope budgeting.

    Good for you!

    Wow, right now my investment fund is my retirement fund. 😀

    Thank you for visiting The Wise Living!

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