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3 Filipino Money Beliefs that Make Me Cringe

Last week, I was assigned by Rappler’s Life & Style editor, Ms. Kai Magsanoc, to write about pursuing one’s passion in life. She was a bit shocked to find out that I was a nursing graduate and yet I had a business background and that I’ve ventured into the world of writing and communication right now. 

After the initial shock wore off, she remarked that today, more and more people are actually venturing into the fields that they’re really committed to, instead of having jobs in the college courses that they’ve finished. 

Filipino Money Beliefs

Obviously, just because you’re happy pursuing your passion doesn’t mean that people around you would appreciate your courage and commitment. In fact, a lot of people might even judge you, mock you and call you unpleasant names! 

When I wrote that post, I was really expecting a lot of people to “get annoyed or angry”, as per Rappler’s mood meter. I mean, it was a honest and no-holds barred insight regarding today’s social perception of the relevance of passion and profit. 

It was raw and pure. Most importantly, it was exactly how I thought and how I felt. 

The topic of raw honesty, actually, was what made me draft this post revolving about Filipino beliefs in today’s culture. Which Filipino beliefs do you honestly hate? Which do you particularly dislike? And which ones make you cringe? 

Here are the Top 3 Filipino Beliefs that Make Me Cringe: 

1. You can only earn big bucks abroad. 

I have intense respect for our overseas Filipino workers – in fact, my parents are one of these vital people in our country.  I know the sacrifices that these people make in order to make a living and provide for their loved ones.

What I’m not particularly in love with is the notion that this path is the only possible path there is. Wrong! I actually know a lot of Filipinos who work at home and yet earn dollars! 

Also, I don’t like the sense of “martyrdom” and “awe” that I constantly hear whenever this one is spoken of: “Oh wow, Name is already in Country… She’s so hardworking and selfless and utterly generous.” 

No, just no. Someone working abroad is not supposed to be selfless and utterly generous to all her loved ones’ needs. She should be able to save something for herself – in fact, she should be able to pay herself first before even thinking of sending money back to the country. 

2. You should study hard and excel at every subject in order to get a decent-paying job.

Correction: you should fail forward hard and excel at the subject you’re passionate about in order to get a job for leaning and eventually start a business of your own. 

Success doesn’t have to be about studying hard. 

Passion isn’t about your weaknesses. 

Earning money isn’t just about employment. 

3. Every rich person I know is evil, bad and selfish. 

It’s so sad that this money belief is something that’s included in the Filipino Money Beliefs too. I think it’s because the people who utter this are either a) watching way too much soap operas or b) hanging out with the wrong crowd. 

Regardless, this isn’t true at all since I’ve met plenty of truly wealthy people who live just to inspire others and give back to God’s community.

Friends, not all rich people are evil.

And not all evil people are rich too.

Which Filipino money belief are you guilty of? Leave in the comments below! 

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Live wisely,

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