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3 Exciting Reasons Why You Need to Pay YOURSELF First

A certain quote has been prominent in my news feed lately…

“You were NOT born just to work, pay your bills, and die…” 

You completely agree, don’t you? 

Of course you do! 

There’s no sense in going to work in a place you dislike, working hard, and then using your salary to just pay your bills. 

There’s no sense in being a slave to your electric bill, water bill, cable bill, and Internet bill, among others…

There’s no sense in staying in this cycle! We’re not mindless zombies who exist just to fatten the wallets of other people. 

You should fatten your own wallet first. 

You – your present you and your future you – should be able to savor life and enjoy your money in moderation. 

Here’s an idea: 

Why do you need to PAY YOURSELF FIRST?

Alam mo na ‘yan, diba?

You don’t want to be like this: 

3 Exciting Reasons Why You Need to Pay YOURSELF First 

Your reason has to motivate you and ignite a fiery desire within you to finally start paying yourself first! 

So let’s talk about the exciting reasons! 🙂 

1. You’re the VIP. 

VIP = very important person 

Since we’d like ourselves to be financially independent, the VIP should be the person who’s going to help you IF:

– you lose your job and have no money left to pay the bills;
– you need to pay the ER for a sudden medical emergency; or, 
– your car broke down and you need money for repair. 

Kanino ka ba aasa? 

Hindi ba – sa sarili mo din? 🙂 

So the VIP = you! 

TIP: Give a name to your savings accounts/money jars. Studies show that naming your bank accounts gives you a psychological advantage. Doing so makes your mind focused on your goals and ambitions. 

Also, naming your savings accounts is considered a surefire way of reaching your savings goals! 

2. You’ve worked hard to earn it. Work hard to keep it, too.

If you work 40 hours a week, 4 weeks a month: 

Your total working hours for the whole month is 160 hours. 

And then you received a salary of P18,000 for the first month you’ve worked. 

Hourly rate = P18,000 divided by 160 hours 
Hourly rate = P112.50 rate per hour 

That P800+ rate for a 3-hour Vikings buffet feast for yourself? It costs around 7 working hours of your life. It makes you think twice about spending your money recklessly, don’t you think so?

TIP: As much as possible, pay yourself at least 1 HOUR of your working life every payday. If your hourly rate is P200, stash that amount in your savings account every 15 days. 🙂 

3. Yes, that plane ticket and that accommodation come with a price tag.

Photo credit:

I love travel. 

READ: First Day in Osaka – Dotonbori

And I’m sure you love travel, too. 

Travelling is like a baby, though. 

Once you’ve given birth to the idea of travelling, you need money to make it happen. 

Sure, they may be seat sales.

Yes, there are discount codes and cheaper accommodation available online. 

But the fact still stands true: kailangan mo gumastos ng pera. 

You can’t possibly travel without spending at least a few hundred pesos, don’t you think so? 

So go ahead and don’t let your dream to travel just be a dream. 

You need to SAVE MONEY so you can make it a daring reality! 

TIP: Make your own Vacation Fund Jar – 

– and look at ways on how you can save money for your travel fund by reading this article that I’ve made especially for you: 

READ: 6 Easy Frugal Money Tips To Help You Save Money For Your Next Trip

Now, isn’t saving money actually exciting? 🙂 

Liked what you read? Please SHARE this article on Facebook/Twitter! 🙂 

You worked hard for this money – shouldn’t your money do the same for you? 

Protect your family AND invest for the future with Sun Maxilink Prime.

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