Wise people have often said that happiness is not wanting to have more – it is wanting what you already have. I try to be an advocate of this idea every single day so that I can be able to appreciate life.
In simpler terms, I would also like to be wise and happy at the same time.
They are not that lavish: they are just simple yet enriching pleasures which can make us feel a little better inside. The best thing about it is, you can enjoy these 10 simple pleasures even if it is not yet lunch time!
Here they are:
1. Waking up early at 5:30 in the morning to exercise.
2. Herbal tea.
3. A cold glass of water.
4. Warm wheat bread.
5. Taking a nice and refreshing shower.
6. Or having a warm bath.
7. An upbeat music to start your day.
8. Singing and dancing in the shower.
9. Reading an inspirational short story in the morning.
10. Organizing.
Simply put, taking the time out of our mundane and stressful days and simply reminding ourselves to realize that there are pleasures around us can make us view the day as something better.
Luxuries should not be super expensive – they can be simple yet meaningful at the same time. They don’t need to cost that much either!
Breathe deeply and smile.
What are your simple pleasures? Hit me up in the comments below!
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